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FREE!! Child Star Photo Sticker free with each Create-a-book purchase.(Design may vary)
FREE SHIPPING on orders $70 or more.
We do not ship outside of the USA.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found below.
If you have a question or problem that is not answered on this page, email is always the best way to get a hold of us. Our email is MyCreateABook@aol.com.
For faster service, please include your order number with the correspondence.
Company name: My Create-A-Book Publishing
Owner name: Debbie
Address: 37486 Eagle Drive, Livonia, MI 48150
Email: MyCreateABook@aol.com
Phone: We prefer email. We will respond promptly.
Company web site: mycreateabook.com
Ordering Online may be done in just a few simple steps:
1. Find the perfect book, music CD or name print.
2. Fill out the personalized order form.
3. Click the "Submit Order Button".
4. If you wish to order more items, Click the "Continue Shopping" button.
5. If you are finished shopping, Click the "Go to Payment" button and check out.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and payments made with PayPal. We also accept personal checks, money orders and cashier's checks. We Do Not accept payment with American Express or debit cards.
YES, The payment portion of the shopping cart is guaranteed secure. Your credit card information is entered through a secure server. After processing your order this information is then deleted from the server and not saved or stored in any computer. Secure Check-Out Guaranteed.
If you do not see a shopping cart or the shopping cart malfunctions please email mycreateabook@aol.com for assistance. Cookies must be enabled for shopping cart to work. Occasionally an error will occur if you are behind a firewall or are using a pop-up blocker.
Some common reasons for processing errors are:
1. You entered the wrong credit card number or expiration date.
2. You must use the exact address that the credit card bill goes to.
3. You entered the wrong security number - they want the last 3 digits on the back of the card by the signature strip.
4. You used a debit card. We do not accept debit cards or e-checks.
Yes, if you would like to send your order by mail simply mail completed order form with payment to:
My Create-A-Book Publishing
37486 Eagle Drive
Livonia, MI 48150
Do not forget to add appropriate shipping charges. Orders will not be shipped until 10 days after a personal check has been received. There will be a $25 service charge on all returned checks.
No, We do not accept order by phone. It is too easy to make an error. All orders must be in writing or ordered from the website. Ordering from our website is safe and secure.
Child's first and last name, name child is called, hometown, name of at least one friend, dedication, date of gift, and who the book is from is usually found in all books. The individual order forms asks you provide the proper information for the book you wish to order. Feel free to print the order form pages if you wish to order by mail.
Any personal information supplied to us for your books will be kept confidential. We will not release your name or e-mail address to other parties.
You must use a different order form for each book you wish to order. You can add as many forms to the cart as you want as long as they are to be shipped to the same address.
No, Our books and CDs can only have 1 "star" in them. You can add other children as friends in most of the books but their names will not be mentioned as often.
We frequently make two or more copies of our baby books for our customers. Some people buy copies for Grandparents, God Parents, or just to store one for the next generation to see. Simply change the qty number in the cart.
Standard shipping is $5.00 regardless how many books you order as long as they are sent to the same address in the USA. If books are sent to different addresses, additional shipping charges will apply. Priority Shipping is available for $9.00 for the first 2 books and an additional $2.00 for more. Express Mail $27.00 for the first 2 books and an additional $10.00 for more.
Yes, for $2.50 you can purchase insurance for your order. Insurance protects you if your order is lost or damaged in shipping according to the USPS guidelines.
No, we no longer accept International orders. We do not ship outside of the USA.
Orders shipped to an address within Michigan are subject to the appropriate 6% Michigan sales tax.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and payments made with PayPal. We also accept personal checks, money orders and cashier's checks. All payments must be in U.S. Funds. Books will not be shipped until personal checks and e-checks have cleared. There will be a $25 service charge on all returned checks. We Do Not accept payment with American Express or debit cards.
Send checks or money orders to:
My Create-A-Book Publishing
37486 Eagle Drive
Livonia, MI 48150.
Payment must be received before books will be mailed.
If your books are in stock your order will be shipped within 1-2 days after payment has been received. The books are shipped Media Mail which can take up to 7-14 business days, Priority Mail (2-4 business days) Or Express (1-3 business days). Allow 1 to 2 business days for order processing when determining the actual ship date. These ship times are estimates. We cannot guarantee the speed of US mail. Remember shipping and processing times may be longer during the busy holiday seasons.
I am sorry but we do not send shipping confirmations or tracking numbers. Please do not contact us asking where your package is unless it is late. This slows production down. Especially during the busy holiday season.
You will receive a confirmation letter stating the books you ordered and the total cost of your order. We process and ship the books very quickly so check your confirmation email and let us know if you see something wrong right away. Occasionally some ISP mail servers block these confirmation emails thinking they are SPAM.
Each book and CD is individually hand made and mistakes happen. If there is an error in your book due to our mistake, we will gladly fix or replace the book and return it at no cost to you. We will ship replacement via media mail or priority depending on original ship method and date needed. We will not ship replacement books express mail at our expense. Errors must be reported within 30 days.
We are not responsible for errors due to incorrect information that you supply to us. You will need to reorder a replacement.
We make every effort to provide you with the highest quality in personalized books. To prevent errors, please double check your order forms before submitting them. Please do not enter the information in all capital letters. We will not be responsible for errors if you do.
Personalized books and gifts are non-refundable.
If a book you order is out of stock, we will notify you by e-mail after we receive your order. It will take approximately 2 weeks longer if book is not in stock. If you would like to choose a different title, simply let us know in your reply e-mail.
Yes. E-mail us your address at mycreateabook@aol.com and we'll send one out to you right away but we want to let you know our online catalog is much more complete. It shows our total selection of books, music CDs and other gifts and you can even read the stories of most of the books online and listen to samples of the music. Online ordering with our company is safe, secure and is much faster.
Personalized Children's Books are different from ordinary children's books because the story is actually about a particular child. His or her name, along with other personal information is blended into every story on almost every page. Children will actually want to read these stories because the story is about them.
Information about the child is entered into the program. We print out the story using a laser printer on high quality paper. The printed pages are integrated with the full color illustration pages. The pages are then bound with a patented binding system. The books are assembled with easy wipe-off hard covers.
Each book is approximately 36 pages, 18 pages of text, 18 pictures. Specialty titles such as The Wedding book and Retirement book are a few pages less and include special plastic sleeves for your pictures.
Each book is approximately 7 by 8 1/2 inches.
The Disney lift the flap books are personalized with permanent white stickers that are placed over the original text in the books. The story is in narrative form. The child does not become one of the Disney characters
The Presto books are personalized with matching stickers that blend right in with the illustrations.
Our Pop-up books are 6 pages and are personalized with stickers. Some stories are in narrative form and some your child is part of the story
All our music was sung live, one name at a time was recorded with the highest professional standards in a state of the art recording studio. We burn the CD with your child's name on high quality CDs and print the labels on a laser printer.
Most of our CDs are suitable for young children ages 0-8 years old (especially for toddlers and pre-school age children). Our New Sports Broadcast CDs are great for any age. Even Adults!
If you can't find the exact spelling of the name you are looking for, look for a phonetic match. Make sure to check on different spelling possibilities when searching for a name! (Example: Kurt or Curt). Check for the name on a different CD. Each CD title has its own list of names.
Right now we have over 6000 names available. This continues to grow regularly. If we don't have your name we can request it from the company and they will do their best to get it as soon as possible.
If the spelling of your name is different than what is in our list, that's okay, we can spell the name any way you like. (Example: Katelin, Kaitlyn, or Catelyn)
If your name can be pronounced in different ways, give us the correct phonetic spelling so we can make sure it is sung correctly. (Example: Alana / uh-LAY-nuh or Alana / uh-LAH-nuh).
If your name can be pronounced in different ways and you didn't give us the correct phonetic spelling we had no way of knowing the correct pronunciation. This is not our fault. Be sure we know the correct pronunciation before we make the CD. We will not be responsible if the name is not pronounced correctly if you did not fill in the pronunciation field.
Yes! I have had a lot of compliments on my website design and it was recommended that I start offering them to other dealers, so I have. You can get more information about my web design package here. My Personalized Books and Gifts Web Design Package
Yes! You can read more about our affiliate program here. My Create-A-Book Affiliate Program
Yes! You can read more about our fund raiser program here. My Create-A-Book Fund raising Program
Go to www.createabook.com/distributor-opportunities for information about becoming a Create-A-Book dealer.
Please send us an e-mail with your questions or feedback to: mycreateabook@aol.com We will reply to you right away. Customer satisfaction is our top priority!