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We didn't forget the adults!! Our personalized love songs are made especially for that special someone in your life. Long after the chocolates have been eaten, and the flower petals have fallen to the ground, this gift will provide you with years of romantic moments.
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Sung with a Man's voice to a woman. This personalized CD includes 5 heart-touching songs that are sure to set the mood for that special evening.
These songs are composed by award-winning and Grammy nominated composer, Harriet Schock.
Personalized Music CD
Regularly $25.97 on sale $19.97
Sung with a woman's voice to a man. This personalized CD includes 5 heart-touching songs that are sure to set the mood for that special evening.
These songs are composed by award-winning and Grammy nominated composer, Harriet Schock.
Personalized Music CD
Regularly $25.97 on sale $19.97
Wedding Memories
Our Love Story DVD
Amazing Dad DVD
Sports Broadcast CD
Birthday Newspaper
First Name Origin Print
My Guardian Angel Print
Personalized Cartoons