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This book was made especially for
Riley James Taylor
With love from,
Mommy and Daddy
Riley James Taylor
The kid who wasn't afraid.
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ALLOW ME TO introduce myself. I'm Flooty Hobbs. Maybe you know me...Maybe you don't.
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I used to be GREAT!
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I thought everyone was sacred of me...
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until I met Riley, age 6. Now I'll never be the same.
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It was a night like any other.
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As always, I waited through the usual bedtime routine. First, the night clothes. Then, teeth were brushed...
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Faces were washed. At last, the bedtime story was told.
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The lights went out and it was finally time to appear. But I didn't know that Riley had a plan.
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Here's what happened.
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My scary friends and I approached the bed. As usual, I got to go first. I made my scariest face...
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but all I heard from underneath the covers was "Tee hee, tee hee. You don't scare me!"
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That's when Spooky Luke spoke up. "You call that scary, Flooty? Let me try!" he insisted.
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He got the same response.
Tee hee, tee hee. You don't scare me!
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Scary Larry was next. "Nice try, Luke. Now step aside. Here's a new face I've been working on. This will be real scary."
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But he got the same response, too.
Tee hee, tee hee, you don't scare me!
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One by one, we all took turns making our scariest faces. And one by one...we all got the same response.
It had always been so simple. But tonight, Riley was not so easy to scare. So, we decided to all make faces together on the count of three. One...Two...Three!
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This time, from underneath the covers, there was no reply. Complete silence. We blinked in the darkness.
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Straining to hear, I leaned closer. Then we all leaned closer...and closer still...
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when suddenly, the covers flew off, and out jumped a JIGGLING, JOLLY, GOLLYWOBBER!
Everybody shrieked, shrank and scattered, except for me. I was too scared to move. So I just stood and trembled.
Page 31 Who could blame me?! Everybody knows that a Gollywobber (especially a jolly one that jiggles) is the one thing that can strike terror into the heart of any bedtime monster. And that includes me, Flooty Hobbs.
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"You don't have to be afraid," said the Golllywobber, "I'm really Riley James Taylor."
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"If you look closer, you'll see I'm just pretending to be a Gollywobber.
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And I can see that you and your friends are nothing more than shadows in the dark. That's nothing to be afraid of."
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With that, I knew I would never be looked at the same, so I had to leave, never to return.
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The last thing I heard Riley say, snuggling back under the covers was "Tee hee tee hee. You'll never scare me."
and you know, the kid was right.