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This book was designed especially for
Brett Andrew Robbins
at the age of 4
With love from,
Grandma and Grandpa
June 18, 2000
Page 3 - illustration page plus:
Brett and Burnie's Club House
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Page 5 - introduction page. My Best Friend that no one can see but me!
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Hi, my name is Brett and this is Burnie. He was once my best friend, but nobody could see him but me.
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"Good shot, Brett!"
We did everything together.
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Sometimes, especially on windy days, we would ride our bikes to the park and fly kites.
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Sometimes we would watch cartoons on TV and eat lots and lots of popcorn.
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Sometimes we would just read our favorite books and play games in my room
"It's your move, Brett."
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Burnie was truly the best friend I ever had.
"Want a bite, Brett?"
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But sometimes Burnie would get both of us into trouble.
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Pages 14 & 15 - illustration pages plus: It was never my fault.
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I tried to tell everyone that Burnie didn't mean to leave the golf clubs in the back yard.
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"A dragon has to learn that you are supposed to put things back. where you found them," I explained.
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Burnie was always willing to share the blame. "Uh-oh, Brett," he would say. "Looks like we poked a hole in this old hat."
"A dragon loves to play dress up and look at himself in the mirror," I thought. "Burnie just forgot about the horn on his head."
Pages 19 & 20 - illustration pages.
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I tried to tell my neighbor, that Burnie didn't mean to trample the pretty flowers. "A dragon has such terribly big feet," I apologized.
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Burnie didn't mean to break the pretty lamp. "A dragon is just too big to play indoors," I said, shaking my head sadly.
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We were both sent to our room anyway.
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Burnie and I were sad. We were so sad we didn't even want to read our books, play games or watch TV.
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After we were tucked into bed that night, Burnie and I were given a heart to heart talk.
"Dragons like to play in open fields and tall mountains," we were told. "I think it's time for Burnie to go home. I'll bet he misses his dragon friends."
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Burnie and I just listened.
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Later, Burnie and I had a long talk. "I do miss my dragon friends." Burnie said. "You are growing up and soon you won't need me anymore. It is time for me to go."
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I helped Burnie pack his suitcase.
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Then he opened the window and flew away.
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"Don't forget to write, Brett!!" I waved and waved until I couldn't see him anymore.
Pages 32 & 33 - illustration pages plus: I have many new friends now, and we have lots of fun together.
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But sometimes I think about Burnie and wonder what kind of games dragons play in the open fields and tall mountains.
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To My Best Friend
Love, Burnie