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This book was created especially for Tevin James Powers at the age of 10 With Love From, Aunt Lisa & Uncle Roy December 25, 2001 |
Tevin Powers of San Angelo, Texas had a special dream. His favorite books to read from the library were always those about dinosaurs, but he wanted to learn a lot more about them. As he was thinking about this, a beautiful white unicorn appeared at his bedroom window. 4 | ![]() |
![]() | To his surprise, the unicorn spoke, "Tevin, I want to take you to the Land of the Dinosaurs. Can you come with me?" Tevin said, "Wow! I would love to go, but first I must ask permission and leave a note for Garrett, Ty, and Kelsey." Moments later, the unicorn whisked him back in time to the Land of the Dinosaurs. 7 |
When Tevin and the unicorn arrived at the shore of the beautiful lake, an apatosaurus (uh-pat-o-SORE-us) greeted them. He was longer than a big school bus. "What's your name?" asked Tevin. "I don't have one," answered the plant-eating dinosaur sadly. "No one has ever named any of us." Tevin thought for a while and then said, "I will call you Stretch." 8 | ![]() |
![]() | "Look at that mountain over there!" shouted Tevin, pointing off into the distance. "Is it on fire?" he asked. "Oh no, that's just a volcano," replied the unicorn. "Look all around you. The Land of the Dinosaurs is filled with many, many volcanoes, swamps and fern jungles." Tevin added, "It's also very hot!" 11 |
While exploring, they met a stegosaurus (steg-uh-SORE-us). "He sure does have a lot of sharp points on his back," whispered Tevin. "Those are called plates," said the unicorn. "A stegosaurus uses them for protection. They also trap heat from the sun to help keep them warm." Tevin told the stegosaurus, "A great name for you would be Spike." 12 | ![]() |
![]() | Next, Tevin and the unicorn entered a dense, humid forest where they found giant ferns and many reptiles of all sizes and shapes. While there, they heard a strange, snapping sound in the distance and cautiously crept closer to investigate. After all, Tevin had wanted to come here to learn as much as he could about dinosaurs! 15 |
Not far away, they met an allosaurus (al-us-SORE-us). She had large teeth and stood on powerful, hind legs. A huge tail helped her to stand up. "So you are the one who is making all that noise," said Tevin. "I shall name you Alli." Alli said, "Thank you," as she handed Tevin a branch of flowers. 16 | ![]() |
![]() | Tevin was having so much fun in the Land of the Dinosaurs that he had not noticed that his friend the unicorn was crying. "Why are you crying?" asked Tevin. "You have given names to everyone today except me," sighed the unicorn. "Oh, I'm sorry. Ariel would be the perfect name for you," said Tevin. "I love it!" smiled the wide-eyed unicorn with a big grin. "Thank you!" 19 |
As they were talking, a tiny compsognathus (komp-sog-NAY-thus), about the size of a cat, raced past them and said, "You must follow me. There is something you will want to see." Tevin and Ariel chased after him. "Wow! He is as fast as lightning. That's a great name for him," shouted Tevin as he ran. 20 | ![]() |
![]() | They ran and ran until they came to some rugged, rocky cliffs. Lightning showed Tevin a nest along the top of one of the cliffs and directed him to get a close look. The nest contained three baby pterodactyls (ter-uh-DAK-tuls). "Who is supposed to be taking care of these babies?" asked Tevin. 23 |
!supportEmptyParas]> "I am!" echoed a voice, circling above them. Just then a large pterodactyl glided past them. Tevin found it hard to believe that a lizard could fly. Its wing span was about as long as his arm. Tevin decided that Dack would be a fine name for a flying lizard. The father pterodactyl glided down to the nest. Ariel was quietly talking to Dack, but Tevin could not hear what they were saying. 24 | ![]() |
![]() | Tevin, Ariel and the pterodactyl flew back across the Land of the Dinosaurs until they once more reached the beautiful lake. This time Tevin saw a lot of activity at the water's edge. Dinosaurs were decorating the beach with streamers and balloons. Tevin wanted to help decorate and wondered if he could go to the party. 27 |
As they landed, a pentaceratops (pen-tuh-SARE-uh-tops) rushed to greet them. Tevin quickly counted the five horns on his head and decided to call him Penti. Then he asked if he could help them decorate. "I want you to come with me, but for a different reason," replied Penti. "We have a surprise for you!" 28 | ![]() |
![]() | The dinosaurs were gathered around a large two-tiered cake. "What a beautiful cake!" exclaimed Tevin. "It's for you!" shouted his new friends. Now Tevin knew what Ariel had whispered to Dack. The dinosaurs realized that Tevin had to return soon and had wanted to help him remember his first visit to the Land of the Dinosaurs. 31 |
After the party, Alli, the allosaurus, told Tevin that it was time to leave for San Angelo, Texas. Tevin was a bit sad, but could hardly wait to tell Garrett, Ty, and Kelsey about his exciting adventures. Before he left, they all thanked Tevin for the nice names he had given them. 32 | ![]() |
![]() | Ariel flew Tevin home and said, "I also have a surprise for you, Tevin." In his room, he found a dinosaur cake with a personalized card signed by all the dinosaurs. Tevin hugged Ariel for making his secret dream come true and told her how much he had enjoyed his trip to the Land of the Dinosaurs. "I will never forget what you have done for me! Thank you for my fabulous dinosaur adventure." 35 |
Here are the pronunciations for the dinosaurs you have read about in MY DINOSAUR ADVENTURE. Use your book to spell them correctly. (uh - pat - o - SORE - us) (steg-uh-SORE-us) (al-uh-SORE-us) (komp-sog-NAY-thus) (ter-uh-DAK-tuls) (pen-tuh-SARE-uh-tops) What other dinosaurs can you name, Tevin? |