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Debbie...I just got my books and I think they are just GREAT !!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH.!!!! I'm sure the kids will just LOVE them !!! I took them in to work and the women thought they were really cute....they were so interested I gave them the papers you sent along with the books. I hope they send you some orders.
Take care, Sharon
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Product Description
Special Delivery - Personalized Book for Baby
Brightly illustrated by a famous Disney artist, this quality hard-cover personalized baby book becomes a unique way of treasuring your child's birth and makes a fun and adorable, life-long family keepsake. The story records all the special details of your child's' birth but is presented using cuddly characters like "Topper the Turtle", "Squeeky Squirrel" and "Bouncy Bunny", all of whom will keep this book fun and interesting for your baby, even when they're not a baby anymore.
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"Special Delivery"
Words in red are the personalized words
Note: Story shown here may not be exact.
This book was created
especially for
Katherine Rae Seckel
With Love From,
Mommy & Daddy
February 13, 2002
On a very special day, in Mt. Gilead, Ohio, a very special thing happened in the lives of Shella and Joel. Do you know what it was?
A very special little girl named Katherine Rae Seckel was born. Everyone at Marion General Hospital was very excited. The whole town of Mt. Gilead, Ohio had been anxiously awaiting her arrival.
When Topper Turtle heard the news, he gathered everyone together and declared February 13, 2001, to be a very special birthday for Katie. A birthday that should be celebrated on the same date every year!
At Marion General Hospital, Stilty Stork assisted Dr. Solie in delivering Katie into the world at 5:35 P.M.
"You're a fine baby girl," said Dr. Solie. "I know your mommy and daddy are proud to have the cutest baby in the world."
Squeaky Squirrel and Bouncer the Bunny weighed and measured little Katie who was 7 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long at birth.
Mommy and Daddy had wanted to have a baby exactly like Katie. Their very special delivery had made this one of the happiest days of their lives.
In fact, Katie seemed to make everyone happy. Even gruff old Grumbly Gopher had to chuckle when Katie made cute little baby faces.
Soon the news of the birth of Katie spread far and wide. It seemed everyone in Mt. Gilead, Ohio was thrilled to hear about Katie's arrival. When Mrs. Churchmouse heard the news, she got so excited that she fell off her chair and spilled her tea!
Grandma and Grandpa Seckel, Grandma Schramm, and Aunt Jodee came to see Katie and share in the excitement of his birth. Everyone wanted to watch her, amazed at everything she did.
Grandma and Grandpa Seckel, Grandma Schramm, and Aunt Jodee smiled at the thought of Katie growing bigger and stronger day by day. Soon she would be able to recognize all those who love her.
Before long, it was time to go home from the hospital. Shella and Joel said goodbye to everyone who had helped them at Marion General Hospital. They bundled up Katie for her very first trip to the outside world.
Everything was new and exciting for Katie. She saw houses and trees for the very first time. The world was quite an interesting place.
At home, there was a very special room that had been prepared for Katie. Her crib was filled with cute, fluffy toys and there were many other toys that would give Katie hours and hours of fun as she grew.
Mommy loved holding and cuddling little Katie. She talked to her in a soothing, sweet, and loving voice. Sometimes she even sang little songs as she rocked Katie back and forth.
Shella and Joel took Katie everywhere they went. They were very proud of Katie and wanted the whole world to meet their very special little girl.
Since her birth on February 13th, Katherine Rae Seckel has made the world a much happier place. Katie is truly a very special little person.