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The Train With No Name personalized book about trains

Title: The Train With No Name

Price: $14.97

Brand: Create-A-Book®

Format: Hard Cover Book

Size: 7" x 8 1/2"

Preview: Click to read the story.

Product Description

Train With No Name - Personalized Children's Book

The little track tester wasn't important enough to have either a name or an engineer. That is, until your child steps in and helps the little track tester to save the circus train. This colorful book helps teach about compassion, helping others and most of all, they'll learn that you don't have to be big to be important!

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"The Train With No Name"

personalized book about trains

Words in red are the personalized words
Note: Story shown here may not be exact.


"The Train With No Name"

was created especially for

Michael Jeremy Smith

at the age of 3

With Love From,

Grandma and Grandpa

May 8, 2008

Mike, went to the Atlanta, Georgia train station to see the big circus train that was coming to town. Larry, Wayne and Bob went along too.



After exploring all of the trains, Mike climbed onto the back of a little track tester. Looking around, he found some old uniforms lying next to the little train.

"Hey! I can be an engineer!" said Mike.


Mike had a feeling the other trains didn't like having these new little visitors there.


page10 To his surprise, Mike heard the trains talking. They were talking about the arrival of the circus train.

"It has three big engines!" said The Two Engine Express.

"It has smoke stacks as big as trees!" exclaimed The Timberline Steamer.


Then Mike heard the little track tester say, "I can't wait to see the circus train with all the animals and clowns!"



"Who cares what you want?" huffed The Two Engine Express. "Who do you think you are anyway? You don't even have a name or an engineer."

Mike felt sorry for the little train with no name.


The little track tester was sad.

"I never go anywhere important, and more than anything, I do wish I had an engineer," he sighed.

That gave Mike an idea.

Soon, the trains lined up to leave Atlanta, Georgia. As usual, the little track tester was last in line, but this time Mike and his friends were on board.



Mike tugged on the whistle cord. "It looks like it's rusted shut," he said.

The little train suddenly stopped on its tracks.

"Who's that?" shouted the train with no name.

Mike proudly announced, "I'm Mike, your new engineer!".


"But, you... you can't just..."

Suddenly, Mike heard an alarm.

"Look!" shouted Mike. "There's something wrong up ahead."



The little track tester saw the circus train heading toward the bridge. "A rail has come loose!" cried the track tester. "The circus train could crash!".


Quickly, Mike grabbed a loose spike from the track and pushed it through the rusty whistle to unclog it.



Mike pulled hard on the cord, and the old whistle sang out loud! The circus train screeched to a full stop. This gave everyone time to fix the track.


When the little track tester returned to Atlanta, Georgia, The Timberline Steamer rolled up, puffing with excitement. "You and Mike have saved the circus train," he said, "and we think it is time you had a name!"



"We've decided to call you Hooty," said Mike.

No longer a train with no name, Hooty blew his whistle and announced that Mike was his new engineer.


Everyone cheered for Hooty, now the biggest little train in Atlanta, Georgia.

After a very exciting day, Mike had learned a big lesson..

You don't have to be big to be important.

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