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Title: The Barnyard Mystery

Price: $14.97

Brand: CBSI

Format: Hard Cover Book

Size: 7" x 8 1/2"

Preview: Click to read the story.

Product Description

The Barnyard Mystery

This delightful story turns the child into a detective who solves a puzzling mystery. The child gains confidence and a sense of importance through the search for Farmer Dooley's straw hat, uncovering clues with the help of friendly barnyard animals. Two favorite friends or relatives are there to offer congratulations on the child's amazing detective skills.

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"The Barnyard Mystery"

The Barnyard Mystery

Words in red are the personalized words
Note: Story shown here may not be exact.

The Barnyard Mystery

was created especially for

Garrett Cole Powers

at the age of 5

With Love From,

Mommy & Daddy

January 23, 2002

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Roy had invited Garrett to visit Farmer Frank on his farm.  The farm was just a few miles from Garrett's home in Grapecreek, Texas.As they approached Farmer Frank's farm, Garrett saw something strange in the corn field.

"What is that?"Garrett asked.

"Oh, that's a scarecrow," replied Uncle Roy."It's suppose to scare birds away from the corn. But, as you can see, Garrett, it doesn't always work."


As they drove down the lane, Garrett could see Farmer Frank's barn and house in the distance.He could also see someone riding on a tractor and waving to them.

"Who's that?" asked Garrett.

Aunt Lisa answered, "That's Farmer Frank.He looks eager to greet us."


Farmer Frank climbed down from the tractor and walked toward his visitors in their stopped car.Garrett ran from the car and climbed onto the nearby fence.As Farmer Frank again waved hello to Aunt Lisa, he looked at Garrett and said, "Well, who do we have here?"

"I am Garrett Powers, and I live in Grapecreek, Texas", Garrett replied.


Farmer Frank said to Garrett, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Roy, "Maybe you folks can help me solve a mystery."Garrett listened with great interest as he continued:"You see, before I went into the chicken coop to gather eggs, I took off my favorite straw hat and put it on a barrel next to the door.


When I was finished in the coop, I came out and reached for my hat ... but, it was gone!"

Aunt Lisa said to Farmer Frank, "Oh, you probably wore your hat into the coop, and took it off there."

Aunt Lisa continued, "Garrett, would you please look in the chicken coop?I'm sure Farmer Frank's hat is in there."


Garrett nodded, and as he walked toward the coop, Aunt Lisa said, "And, if you don't find it there, just look around the barnyard.Uncle Roy and I are going to visit with Farmer Frank in the house."


So, Garrett went into the chicken coop looking for the straw hat as Aunt Lisa had requested.The hens greeted him with "cluck ... cluck ... cluck" along with many curious looks as he continued his search.

But the hat was nowhere to be found in the chicken coop.Sensing that the chickens were angry about the search, Garrett quickly left to continue looking in other places.


Garrett thought that maybe Farmer Frank's dog could help him.Garrett tried to tell the dog what he was looking for.  He grabbed some straw and held it over his head.He hoped that the dog would understand that he was looking for the straw hat.


Suddenly the dog began to bark and run around Garrett.Could it be that he understood what Garrett wanted?

"Good boy!" Garrett shouted."Show me where the hat is!I'll follow you."

Farmer Frank's dog took off running toward the open barn door.Garrett followed quickly behind the excited dog.


As Garrett entered the barn, he saw the dog looking up towards the loft and barking."Oh, Farmer Frank's hat must be in the loft!" Garrett thought.He climbed the ladder, certain that his search would soon be ended with success.


But, as Garrett reached the top of the ladder and looked around the loft, there was no straw hat to be seen.

Farmer Frank's dog understood the "straw" part of Garrett's message.

There surely was a lot of straw up there ... but, no straw HAT!

Perched on one of the bales of straw was a barn owl."Hoo ... hoo ... hoo," said the owl.

"It's not WHO but WHAT that I'm looking for," said Garrett as if to answer a question from the owl.


Garrett, left the barn, and decided to try to get some clues from the barnyard animals.As he approached one of the cows, Garrett combined gestures with his own kind of cow-talk, "Moo ... moo ... straw hat ... moo ... lost ... moo ... have you ... moo ... seen it?"

As the cow continued chewing her hay, Garrett knew that no clue was coming from her.In fact, the cow herself had no clue as to what Garrett was trying to say.


Continuing his search, Garrett decided to talk to one of Farmer Frank's pigs.Again, using his own style of people - pig talk, Garrett asked the large pig, "Oink ... ... oink ... straw hat ... oink ... have you ... oink ... seen it?"

The pig stared at Garrett with a curious look.But, no clues from this corner of the barnyard either.


Walking to the other side of the barn, Garrett saw some ducks in a pen.He thought maybe they could help him.So, he continued his questioning, "Quack ... quack ... straw hat ... quack ...Farmer Frank ... quack ... lost ... quack ... have you ... quack ... seen it?"     In response, the ducks looked at one another as if they had no idea as to what Garrett was asking.


Looking out into the pasture, Garrett saw a small horse ... just his size.  Then he heard Aunt Lisa call out:"Garrett, where are you going?"

Garrett shouted back, "I'm going to ride this horse around and look for Farmer Frank's hat."

"Be careful, Garrett," Uncle Roy warned.


Riding the pony, Garrett thought, "This is like being a cowboy - barnyard detective ... Detective Garrett Powers."

Garrett saw the tractor which Farmer Frank had been driving.He thought that maybe Farmer Frank had left his hat there.But, it was nowhere to be found.

A noisy crow flew overhead and circled Garrett.  "Caw ... caw ... caw," it screeched.To Garrett it sounded like the pesky crow was laughing at him.


Just then, Farmer Frank's dog began barking and looking up at the noisy crow.

As the dog ran, following the flight of the crow, Garrett's pony trotted in the same direction.


As Garrett, up on the pony, and Farmer Frank's dog chased the crow, they saw it land on the head of the scarecrow.  And, beneath the crow, resting upon the scarecrow's head was a hat ... a straw hat ... Farmer Frank's hat!It was obvious to Garrett that the crow was the barnyard thief.

In the distance, Garrett could hear the voices of Farmer Frank, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Roy.


When Farmer Frank arrived on the scene, he said, "Garrett, that's my hat!You're quite a detective, Garrett Powers!"

Garrett smiled.He patted the pony and winked at the dog ... his detective partners.

The barnyard mystery had been solved.


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