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Little One, Little One What Do You See?

Title: Little One, Little One What Do You See?

Price: $14.97

Brand: Create-A-Book®

Format: Hard Cover Book

Size: 7" x 8 1/2"

Preview: Click to read the story and see 2 NEW versions!!!!

Product Description

Little One, Little One - Personalized Children's Book

This whimsical story is perfect for any child who enjoys rhyming and counting. The story uses a fun combination of animals and numbers to help your little one learn how to count. It ends with a special reminder that someone will always love them. This is a very popular book with parents and grandparents.

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(Used most often throughout the book)

(At time book is given)

(See how it is used in story)
(Mommy and Daddy, Grandma, Aunt Sue - this is often gift giver)
(cannot use both)


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"Little One, Little One What Do You See?"

Little One Little One

Words in red are the personalized words
Note: Story shown here may not be exact.

| New Easy Reader Version | New Standard Version |

New Illustrations and New Easy Reader Text

"Little One, Little One

was created especially for

Thomas Edward Smith

at the age of 18 months

With Love From,

Grandma and Grandpa

December 25, 2015

Little One, Little One,

who really loves you?

Of course, Mommy and Daddy

and your family does too!


Tommy, Tommy,

what should we do?

Shall we have some fun in Miami, Florida?

Let's take a trip to the zoo!


Tommy, Tommy,

what do you see?

One big brown monkey

sitting in a tree.


Tommy, Tommy,

look at those two.

It's a joey and his momma

They're called kangaroos.


Tommy, Tommy,

do you see the frog

and the three green turtles

sunning on the log?


Tommy, Tommy,

what’s your favorite snack?

These pandas like bamboo.

Would you eat that?


Tommy, Tommy,

who is eating green leaves,

with long spotted necks

and their heads in the breeze?


Tommy, Tommy,

look over there! Six little cubs playing

by the big momma bear.


Tommy, Tommy, look by the rock.

There are two grey elephants,

and one has a pink sock.


Tommy, Tommy,

those gorillas are smart!

And momma loves her son

with all of her heart.


Tommy, Tommy,

can you name that blue bird?

Of course, it's a peacock,

now that's a funny word!


Tommy, Tommy,

look close and beyond.

See the seven pretty swans

swimming in the pond.


Tommy, Tommy,

what do you see?

There are eight baby alligators

watching you and me!

Jessica and Steven

What should we do?

Do not go near them,

they might SNAP at you!

they might SNAP at you!


Tommy, Tommy,

what do you see?

Nine pretty parrots

high up in that tree.


Tommy, Tommy,

ten meerkats in a row.

Their group is called a gang,

that's a fun thing to know.


Little One, Little One,

the day is now done.

Learning and counting

the animals is fun!

Tommy, Tommy,

these memories you'll keep,

as you pull up the covers

and drift off to sleep.

Good night and kisses.

Love, Grandma and Grandpa


New Illustrations and New Standard Text

"Little One, Little One

was created especially for

Thomas Edward Smith

at the age of 3

With Love From,

Grandma and Grandpa

December 25, 2015

Little One, Little One,

who really loves you?

Of course, Mommy and Daddy

and your family does too!

Tommy, Tommy,

let's take a trip to the park

We'll have fun counting animals

from morning until dark.


Tommy, Tommy,

what do you see?

One big brown monkey

high up in a tree.

He has a long tail

and a big, funny smile.

It looks like his arms

could stretch a whole mile!


Tommy, Tommy,

look at those two.

It's a joey and his momma

They're called kangaroos.

Momma keeps her joey

warm and safe.

Her pouch keeps her baby

right in his place.


Tommy, Tommy,

let's take a break.

It's time for some lunch

with your friends by the lake.

With Jessica and Steven,

you'll watch fish near a log.

You see three turtles,

and one big bullfrog.


Tommy, Tommy,

who's smiling at you?

It's four little pandas

eating bamboo.

These little cuties

love playing all day.

When it's time for a nap

they sleep in the hay.


Tommy, Tommy,,

who is eating green leaves,

with long spotted necks

and their heads in the breeze?

The five giraffes stand tall

with beauty and grace.

And mommy is cleaning

her sweet baby's face.


Tommy, Tommy,,

look over there!

Six little cubs playing

by the big momma bear.

When momma has cubs

we should not go near.

We will stay far away

so there's nothing to fear.


All of a sudden

from behind a red rock,

a small elephant appeared

who had a pink sock!

Tommy, Tommy,

what do you think?

Do elephants wear socks,

silly socks that are pink?


Tommy, Tommy,

those gorillas are smart!

And momma loves her son

with all of her heart.

Her smile reassures him

that she is the one

who will always love him

when the day is done.


Tommy, Tommy,

can you name that blue bird?

Of course, it's a peacock,

now that's a funny word!

His feathers are bold

and pretty to see,

I wish I could bring him

to Miami, Florida with me!


Tommy, Tommy,

look there and beyond.

It's seven swans swimming

out there in the pond.

Their feathers are white

and look soft as the snow.

Their necks make a heart,

do you think that they know?


Tommy, Tommy,

what do you see?

There are eight baby alligators

watching you and me!

Alligators! Alligators!

What should we do?

Do not go near them,

they might SNAP at you!


Tommy, Tommy,

what do you see?

there are nine pretty parrots

high up in that tree.

These special birds

can be pretty tame.

They know how to talk.

You can teach them your name.


Tommy, Tommy,

ten meerkats in a row.

Their group is called a gang,

that's a fun thing to know.

If one sees danger,

he barks to warn the rest.

They scatter into burrows.

It is safe in their nest.


Little One, Little One,

the day is now done.

Learning and counting

the animals is fun!

Tommy, Tommy,

these memories you'll keep,

as you pull up the covers

and drift off to sleep.

Let's tuck you in little Tommy,

We'll tuck you in tight!

Sweet dreams little one,

sweet dreams and good night.


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