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My Trip To The Fire Station was created especially for Jessica Ann Smith at the age of 6 With love from Mommy and Daddy May 25, 2004 |
Jessica Smith was so excited, she could hardly wait to see the firefighters and fire engines. Jessica and her class from Beaumont Elementary School are visiting the Atlanta Fire Station today. “Now class,” said Miss Harold, “I know you're excited, but remember to pay close attention. Fire prevention and fire safety are very important. If you are ever in a fire, they could help save your life.” 4 | ![]() |
![]() | Jessica couldn't believe her eyes. Firefighter Brad and Chief Maddox came to greet the children at the door! “Welcome to the Atlanta Fire Station, boys and girls,” said Firefighter Brad. “We have a lot of exciting things to show you and I'm going to teach you some ways to stay safe when it comes to fire.”. 7 |
Firefighter Brad brought the class to see the many different fire trucks. “Wow, this is great!” said Jessica as she gazed at all the different fire engines. There were old ones, new ones, red ones, and yellow ones. There was even a fire truck from the 1920's that was part of their museum.
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![]() | Jessica carefully watched as Firefighter Brad showed the class the inside of a real fire engine. “Jessica, would you and Amy like to be first to sit inside?” With big smiles, they jumped inside the cab and pretended they were real firefighters, steering the big engine down the street. 11 |
Next, everyone followed Firefighter Brad to the room with the coats, hats, boots and special pants just for firefighters. “Jessica, would you be my helper and try on my coat and hat?” asked Firefighter Brad. Jessica couldn't believe her luck. “Yes, sir!” 12 | ![]() |
![]() | As Firefighter Brad helped Jessica put on the coat and hat, she said to the class, he said to the class, “Our clothes are made of special material that won't burn, but, unfortunately, your clothes will.” “You should NEVER run if your clothes catch on fire. Instead, STOP where you are, DROP to the ground, cover your face, and ROLL around until the fire goes out.” “Does anyone remember what we call this?” The class was so sure of the answer that everyone said at the same time, “STOP, DROP AND ROLL!”. 15 |
After that, Firefighter Brad pulled out a box of matches and a lighter, and said, “Boys and girls, you should NEVER play with matches or fire, EVER! You could start a fire by accident.” “Who knows what you should do if you find matches or lighters?” Jessica spoke up and asked, “Should we give them to our parents?” “That's right Jessica, you should give them to an adult right away and say, “'Firefighter Brad said to keep these away from children!'” 16 | ![]() |
![]() | Then Firefighter Brad said, “Some objects such as clothing and paper catch fire very easily. So don't play near gas or electric heaters, stoves or fire places.” “What is this?” Jessica asked. Firefighter Brad answered, “This is a smoke detector. If a fire starts while you are asleep, the smoke detector will sound an alarm and wake you up so that you can get out safely and call 911. Everyone should have a smoke detector in the family room and each bedroom.”. 19 |
The class followed Firefighter Brad upstairs to the sleeping area. “This is where we sleep when we're on duty. Do you know what this pole is for, Jessica?” Jessica smiled and said, “Yes, sir! Of the fire alarm goes off during the night, you can slide down to the room with the coats!” “That's right, Jessica. It also gives us another way out of the room. You should know at least two ways out of every room in case fire is blocking the door. If a door is hot, leave through a window or another door.” 20 | ![]() |
![]() | Jessica raised her hand and said, “I would like to know what to do if I see a lot of smoke, but no fire?” Firefighter Brad said, “Fire and smoke spread very fast and smoke is a dangerous part of fire and breathing smoke makes people sick.” “You should NEVER hide, always crawl low under the smoke and get out quickly. The air is not as smoky near the floor. We teach everyone to “Get Out, and Stay Out!”, NEVER go back inside a burning house or building.”. 23 |
Jessica's best friend, Amy asked, “What if you live in an apartment building?” Firefighter Brad said, “You ask very good questions, Amy!” “Two-story buildings should have signs that say 'Exit' or 'Stairs.' Here I have a special rope ladder with hooks that fasten onto your window so that you can climb out if your building is on fire.” “Jessica, your parents can get you one to keep under your bed in case of emergencies.” 24 | ![]() |
![]() | Next, the class followed Firefighter Brad to the kitchen. “Wow! You guys like to cook?” asked Jessica. “We sure do! We practice fire safety, too!” “Kitchens HAVE HOT STOVES THAT CAN HURT YOU. Never play with the knobs on the stove. Remember to use cooking mitts so you won't burn your hands.” “Do you see this? This is a fire extinguisher. If someone accidentally starts a fire while cooking, we can put it out right away.”. 27 |
Firefighter Brad brought the class to the dispatch room. “How many of you know how to call 911?” Jessica and Amy raised their hands at the same time. They smiled at each other and said, “9-1-1!” Firefighter Brad laughed and agreed, “Yes, that's right. You dial “9-1-1!”. When someone has an emergency or a fire, you dial “9-1-1!” and the call rings the dispatcher. The dispatcher then calls the fire departments, the police station or an ambulance.” 28 | ![]() |
![]() | Firefighter Brad then asked the class a question. “Who knows what a Fire Escape Plan is?” Jessica raised her hand and said, “Is it like a fire drill?” “Yes, Jessica, it is. You and your family should plan an escape route from your home. Remember to find two ways to leave each room and choose a place for your family to meet outside.” “Practicing your escape route will help you know where to go during a fire. But remember, you must NEVER go back into a burning house!”. 31 |
Firefighter Brad then asked the class, “Does everyone know their telephone number and street address?” Jessica and Amy raised their hands right away. Firefighter Brad then said, “Ask your parents to help you learn your telephone number and your street address if you don't know them. This is very important to know in case you ever need to call 911.” Telephone Number _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _ _ Street Address _____________________ 32 | ![]() |
![]() | Finally, it was time to go home. Chief Maddox handed each boy and girls a book and said, “I want you to read this special book to your whole family. It will help teach them the important fire prevention and fire safety facts that you learned today. Then I want you to ask your parents to help plan a fire escape route. Can you do that?” “Yes, sir!” chimed Jessica and Amy. They each thanked Chief Maddox and Firefighter Brad for the book and for letting them visit the fire station. Everyone waved good-bye. 35 |
Important Things to Remember In an emergency call: 911 Fire Department ________________________________ Police Department ________________________________ Relative's Phone ________________________________ Who do I call in case of emergency? |