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Personalized Chistian Book. Gods gifts to me

Title: God's Special Gifts To Me

Price: $14.97

Brand: Create-A-Book®

Format: Hard Cover Book

Size: 7" x 8 1/2"

Preview: Click to read the story.

Product Description
This wonderful Christian book explains God's love to children with easy to understand text. The story covers all five senses as well as wisdom, forgiveness and prayer. Comes in 2 versions, Standard and Easy Reader.

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"God's Special Gifts To Me"

God's Gifts to Me. Personalized Christian book

Words in red are the personalized words
Note: Story shown here may not be exact.

| Standard Version | Easy Reader

601a (Original Version)


"God's Special Gifts to Me"

was created especially for

Leah Marie Powers

at the age of 7

Happy Easter!  With Love From,

Mommy & Daddy

April, 2002

We are God's children. He loves you, Leah Powers. God made us and loves us all.

Because God cares about you, Leah, He watches over everything you do in Eden, Texas. He watches you wherever you go.

God is happy that you like playing with Ty, Mom, and Grandma. He is pleased when you are kind to others.



Leah, you live in a wonderful world full of interesting and beautiful creations from God. Some of God's gifts are things you see, smell, hear, taste, or touch and feel. You enjoy these gifts by using your five senses.

At times, these senses do not work as they should. If a child cannot see or hear well, God often makes the other senses work even better. God loves all His children!

This is a marvelous place that God has created for us, Leah. There are so many amazing things for you to enjoy with Ty, Mom, and Grandma.


God gave you eyes to see, Leah. During your day, you can see the rising sun, smiling faces, fluttering butterflies, blooming flowers, floating clouds and colorful rainbows.

At the end of your glorious day, you see the setting sun, the rising moon and the twinkling stars. Some evenings, you can also see blinking fireflies or lie safely tucked in bed and watch lightning flash across the sky.

God paints such a beautiful picture for you each and every day, Leah! Please take time to enjoy His artwork.



With the nose that God has given to you, Leah, you are able to smell many things. Some are good. Some may not be so pleasant. You can smell animals at the zoo, the farm or at your home.

Leah, you have plant smells in the outdoors. Some of nature's scents are climbing roses, pine trees, honeysuckle vines and freshly cut grass.

God also gave us mouth-watering food smells. We have pineapples, lemons, oranges and strawberries. How many more can you think of, Leah


There are many happy sounds in the world, Leah. God gave you ears to hear all of them.

His animals can talk to you and to each other. Have you listened to what they say, Leah? Puppies bark, kittens meow, ponies whinny, cows moo, ducks quack and birds chirp.

Some of the best sounds are grandparents telling or reading a story, children laughing and people singing. Sounds of nature include the trees rustling in the breeze, a babbling brook in the forest and the clap of thunder in a rainstorm.



The sense of taste is an incredible gift from God. What would the world be like if you were not able to taste things, Leah

Would you miss biting into a juicy apple, orange, peach or a crunchy nut? What if you could not taste salt water at the beach or stick out your tongue to catch a raindrop or a snowflake?

Aren't you glad that you can do these things? The sense of taste is really magnificent, Leah, especially when you are hungry!!!


God gave us not only our hands but also our whole body with which to touch His miracles. How grand it is to be able to feel so much throughout your day, Leah!

Your favorite touches are probably the hugs and kisses you give and receive. It is nice to feel the wind on your skin, the soft fur of a pet, a smooth rock and even the heart beating in your body.

Close your eyes, Leah, and imagine other things you would like to touch. What would they be? What do you see - in your mind?



Because God loves you so much, Leah, He gives you other gifts. You could call them spiritual gifts from God.

These gifts are special because they help you to enjoy every day of your life more. You keep these gifts in your thoughts and your heart forever, Leah.

Some of these gifts are love and kindness, happiness and joy, faith and patience, truth and wisdom, forgiveness, and the gift of prayer. These gifts help you to get along better with other people, such as Ty, Mom, and Grandma.


God loves you, Leah. He wants you to love everyone. When you love Him, your heart is filled with His love. You can share His gift of love with others.

Love is kind. You show your love for others with kindness. Leah, can you remember some of the times when you were nice to Ty, Mom, and Grandma?

You must learn to treat others the way you want them to treat you. This is called living by the Golden Rule.



Leah, God also gives you the gifts of happiness and joy to share with Ty, Mom, and Grandma. When you do good deeds, those around you are happy.

God is happy with all His children, especially when they say and do nice things. When you smile and have happy thoughts, you have happiness in your heart.

It will bring you joy, Leah, to bring joy to others. This feeling of joy comes from knowing that God always loves you. There is great joy in being one of God's children!


Leah, faith and patience are two gifts that might be a little hard for you to understand. Faith is trust. God wants you to be faithful and believe in Him. You can't see Him with your eyes, but He is always there with you.

Have you ever wanted something "right now," Leah, but you couldn't have it? Maybe you wanted a new toy; however, you had to wait until a special day to get it. That is patience.

We must have faith and patience to believe that God knows what is best for us. God has a purpose for your life, Leah, and for everyone.



Truth and wisdom are two more gifts for you, Leah. God gave you a brain and a heart to know the difference between right and wrong. When you respect, obey and love God, He will teach you many things.

Your family also helps you learn the rules that God wants you to follow. Do you think it is right or wrong to take something that doesn't belong to you? Do you believe it is okay with God if you lie, Leah

Always try to be honest and truthful, Leah. God is sad when any of His children do something they know or feel is wrong. God is happy to help you do the right thing.


What would your life be like, Leah, if you did not have the gift of forgiveness? The words "I'm sorry" are very special when someone says them to you or when you say them to others.

Did Ty, Mom, and Grandma ever make you really angry? When you forgive a person, your heart is filled with God's love and it shows.

We all make mistakes, Leah. Only God is perfect! If you do something wrong, tell God and ask Him to forgive you. God is always ready to forgive you because He loves you and cares about you.



Leah, one of God's greatest gifts is the gift of prayer. Do you know what prayer is? It is talking to God in your own way, either out loud or in your thoughts.

There are many times that we can pray to God each day. Are you thankful when you eat your food? Tell Him! Have you ever felt afraid, Leah? You can pray to God, and you won't feel alone. You will know that He is with you. Before you go to sleep, end your day with a special prayer of thanks.

You can talk to God about anything, Leah. He listens, and He is always there for you.


Leah, this is a special bedtime prayer that many little boys and girls say each night:

Now I lay me down to sleep.

I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

God, go with me through the night,

And wake me with Your morning light.

Author unknown



God created Heaven and Earth.

God created the animals and plants.

God created you,

Leah Powers.

God is happy with all of His

creations, especially you!

Leah Powers


1. Religious Faith


2. Religious Teacher


3. Place of Worship


4. Favorite Song or Hymn


5. Favorite Religious Activity


6. Favorite Scripture Verse


601 (Version 2)

"God's Special Gifts to Me"

was created especially for

Leah Marie Powers

at the age of 7

Happy Easter!  With Love From,

Mommy & Daddy

April, 2002

Page 4

Every child on God's earth is precious in His sight.

All He asks is that we try to do things that are right.

When God looks down from heaven, Leah Powers can feel His gaze.

At 7 years old in Eden, Texas, she is blessed in many ways.

Page 7

Leah thanks God for mornings that turn into bright days

Filled with friends and story times beneath the sun's bright rays.

Page 8

He must have taken special care when giving Leah Powers sight

to see the butterflies by day and shining stars by night.

Page 11

Leah's nose is such a wondrous gift; it smells all kinds of things,

like fresh cut grass and hot fruit pies and flowers in the spring.

Page 12

Leah listens very quietly while Mommy reads a book.

Where is that music coming from? The window, take a look!

Page 15

Leah loves to picnic at the beach; she's happy she can taste.

The sweetness of fresh fruit galore; none ever goes to waste.

Page 16

Leah uses God's gift of touch when giving friends a hug,

and with her finger she explores cold water, rocks and bugs.

Page 19

With friends and loved ones all around, Leah knows she must be kind.

In Eden, Texas, everyone agrees she's the best friend you can find.

Page 20

The gift of thoughtfulness is grand. Leah uses it each day

to help when someone needs a hand. "Thank you!" her friends all say.

Page 23

God wants us to be helpful, and at 7 years old, it's true;

Leah is the biggest help around when there's a job to do.

Page 24

Sometimes it's hard to wait when Leah wants something "Now."

She knows she must be patient; God will show her how.

Page 27

When Leah must make a choice between what's right and wrong,

God shines His light of truth and guides Leah right along.

Page 28

God knows Leah will make mistakes that leave her feeling sad,

but God forgives us all our sins, and this makes Leah feel glad.

Page 31

Because Leah loves to talk to God, her prayers are always heard.

She is so thankful God is near to hear her every word.

Page 32

Leah's bedtime prayer:

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

Angels watch me through the night and wake me to Thy golden light.

Oh, and, God, bless my family, and bless my friends, Ty, Mom, and Grandma. Amen.

Page 35

In her hometown of Eden, Texas

Leah Powers is quite well known

for being one who's thankful for

the things no one can own.

To her friends she often says,

"Please listen carefully.

I want to tell you all about

God's Special Gifts to Me!"

Page 36

Leah Powers

Place of Worship


Favorite Sunday School Teacher


Favorite Bible Song

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