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Note: Story shown here may not be exact.
David A. Miller
Visits the Farm Animals
Enjoy your adventure!
Uncle James
Clickety-clack. Clickety-clack. The train was speeding through the countryside. David Miller, age 5, of Los Angeles, California, listened to the sound of the train tracks below him. Dave was excited because he had been invited to spend the day on a farm. It was going to be a wonderful adventure!
"I just wish Steve and Randy could be here, too," thought Dave.
The first stop Dave made was a field where goats and sheep were munching on the grass.
"H-e-e-llo," bleated the goat.
"You can talk!" shouted Dave.
"Ye-e-e-es," answered the goat. "And we eat just about anything, including garbage."
"Yuck, that sounds terrible," said Dave.
A sheep came up to Dave and said, "Soon we're going to have our wool shaved off so people can make clothes out of it. But it won't hurt. It feels just like when you get a haircut."
Just then the sound of squeals filled the air. Dave ran over to a mother pig and her babies.
"Wow," said Dave. "Nine baby pigs! That's a lot!"
"Oink, oink. It sure is," agreed Mrs. Pig. "And they're all hungry! Stop crowding, children. There's plenty for everyone."
Mrs. Pig smiled and said, "Did you know that pigs are often the smartest animals on a farm?"
"No ma'am, I didn't," said Dave. "But thank you for telling me."
Dave heard the sound of someone fighting nearby. He ran over to investigate.
"Quack, quack, said a duck. "That seed belongs to me!"
"Cluck, cluck," said a chicken. "The farmer left it here for me!"
"Don't fight," said Dave with a laugh. "There's plenty for everyone!" So he reached into the seed bag and tossed lots more grain to the hungry chickens and ducks.
Dave decided to take a fishing break, but the sky was getting a little dark. He put down his fishing pole and said to a friendly dog, "There's a storm coming. I must warn all the animals and take them back to the barn."
The dog looked up at the clouds and agreed, "Woof, woof. Let's go tell the others.
Soon all the animals were happy and dry in the barn. Dave held a kitten in his lap which was purring as it licked his hand.
"Meow, meow. Thanks to you, Dave, all the animals are safe and sound, purred the kitten. "That was fast thinking to bring the animals back to the barn."
Before too long, the storm ended and the sky became a beautiful blue color again.
The sun came out and was shining. Dave was feeling very warm and happy as he went skipping into the field. He saw a farmer on a tractor working in a hayfield.
"In school we learned that farmers harvest hay during the summer and store it in a barn so the cows and horses would have food during the winter," said Dave.
Suddenly a herd of horses galloped past. Dave quickly jumped out of their way. One horse stopped right next to him.
"Neigh, neigh. Thank you for helping all the farm animals during the storm," said the horse. "Jump up and let me take you for a ride!"
Dave hopped on the horse's back, and away they rode over the hill.
"I wish Steve and Randy could see me right now," said Dave.
Towards the end of the day, there was just one more chore left. Dave ran to watch the final roundup of the cows.
"Moo-oo-ove out of the way! A huge cow bellowed as Dave opened the corral gate.
"Dave, you were such a big help today that we'd like you to spend the night camping with us," said the farmer.
"That sounds great," said Dave.
The farmer made a call to Los Angeles, California and got permission for Dave to stay.
All the animals of the wood looked on as Dave and the farmer set up camp. They laughed when a startled night owl whistled, "Whoo, whoo, who's there?"
As night approached, Dave and the farmer roasted marshmallows and told ghost stories. Before too long, it was morning and time to go home to see Steve and Randy.
"I sure wish you could stay longer and help us out," said the farmer.
"Thanks," said Dave. "But I've got to go back to Los Angeles, California. I promise I'll come backagain and visit soon!"