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Note: Story shown here may not be exact.
Alysa Lynn Powers
visits Santa and the North Pole
With love from,
Mom and Dad
Of all the holidays in the year, Alysa Lynn Powers, age 7, enjoyed Christmas the best. Everyone in San Angelo, Texas, was still busy preparing for the holiday season. Alysa had already finished decorating the tree and wrapping presents for Garrett, Tevin and Jamie. That is why Alysa was selected to have an exciting Christmas adventure.
One special night Alysa was lying in bed thinking about Christmas. Suddenly, she heard a voice outside her window.
"Alysa, please come to the North Pole with me. Santa Claus has a big problem and only you can help." pleaded a reindeer."
In amazement Alysa replied, "Wow! You must be one of Santa's reindeer. Of course, I would be happy to go to the North Pole to help Santa Claus."
So, Alysa jumped into Santa's sleigh and off they flew through the beautiful moonlit sky.
"Reindeer, what are those buildings below us?" questioned Alysa.
"That's the North Pole where Santa lives and makes toys for all the good children. Hold on tight, we're landing!" replied the Reindeer.
Silently, they glided to a stop near Santa's workshop.
"Let's have a snack in Mrs. Claus' kitchen and then I'll show you around," said the Reindeer.
"Gee whiz! The candy smells delicious," Alysa said with a smile.
Cheerfully, Mrs. Claus remarked, "I make candies and cookies in every color of the rainbow. Here is a special treat just for you, Alysa."
The Reindeer announced, "That was a perfect snack, Alysa. Now let's visit Santa's toy workshop."
Alysa saw a huge robot-like machine building different kinds of toys.
The Reindeer said, "Santa knows which boys and girls have been good during the year and the toy each child wants most for Christmas."
Alysa peeked into the next room and exclaimed, "I've never seen so many pretty dolls and stuffed animals! I wish Garrett, Tevin and Jamie could see this, too."
The Reindeer said with confidence, "Santa's elves make every kind of toy you can imagine."
The Reindeer and Alysa left the doll room and hurried along to visit Santa.
"Ho! Ho! Ho!" welcomed Santa. "You arrived just in time. I need your help, Alysa. Let me tell you about my problem. My reindeer and sleigh are ready to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls on Christmas Eve. But, I have been so busy that I did not do the most important thing of all."
"What is the most important thing of all, Santa?" Alysa asked eagerly.
"Santa continued, "I haven't had time to make the special Christmas WISH. This WISH puts love into people's hearts and makes my reindeer want to fly. So, you see how important the WISH is. Would you please make the Christmas WISH for everyone?" Santa pleaded.
Alysa promised Santa, "I will gladly make the WISH."
Then, she remembered the nicest things about Christmas such as love, happiness and kindness. Then ...POOF, out popped the WISH, glowing brightly like a star.
Santa said gratefully, "That was the perfect WISH Alysa. I'll put the WISH in this beautiful box for safe keeping until Christmas Eve."
By the bright moonlight, Santa waved good-bye and said, "Thanks to you, Alysa, everyone will have a Merry Christmas. Hop aboard my sleigh and my reindeer will fly you back to San Angelo, Texas."
As the North Pole disappeared out of sight, Alysa thought, "I can't wait to tell Garrett, Tevin and Jamie about my wonderful Christmas adventure."
The End