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Susan Smith
helps Pocahontas find the Missing Headdress
With love from,
Mawmaw and Pawpaw
June 22, 2018
Storytime was about to begin, and Susan Smith, age 3, from Columbus, Ohio<, couldn't wait to hear about Pocahontas, the young Indian woman who was born in Virginia before it was part of America. As Susie gaized out the window, she saw Pocahontas and her friend Nakona standing with the handsome captain John Smith, waving from the edge of the forest. "Wow!" said Susie, waving back. "I wish Jenny and Emily could see this, too."
"Come quickly, Susie," called Pocahontas. "We need your help. Meeko has hidden my father's headrest and we must find it before the tribal ceremony.
Meeko and Flit scurried around Pocahontas. "Do you often forget where you hide things, Meeko?" Asked Susie. The furry little raccoon just shrugged. Flit buzzed around Susie. "I guess your friend Flit think you forgot," laughed Susie.
"I'm so glad that you can help," said Nakoma. "It's very important that Chief Powhatan wear his ceremonial headdress."
"Let's ask Meeko to follow his footsteps," said Susie.
"Maybe he can lead us back to the headrest."
"That's a great idea, Susie," said John Smith.
Meeko thought so too, but he wasn't sure where his footsteps were.
Look! Here are Meeko's footprints," said Susie. "Let's follow them. Even if we don't find your father's headrest, at least we might see a clue. Jenny and Emily once showed me how to look for clues to find something."
Pocahontas and John Smith smiled. "You're right Susie. That's how we find things too."
Everyone trailed behind Susie, who followed Meeko's footprints until they disappeared at the edge of the river.
Nakoma and Pocahontas started laughing when they look at the log floating in the water. "I guess those weren't Meeko's footprints, after all," said Nakoma, pointing to a family of turtles sunning themselves on the log.
"No," said Susie, picking up a piece of leather fringe, "but this could be another clue."
"Good work, Susie!" Said John Smith.
Pocahontas looked at the fringe closely. "Oh dear!" She said. "This is from my dress, not my father's headdress."
"Then let's go see grandmother Willow," said Susie. "She'll know what to do."
"Hello, Grandmother Willow," said Pocahontas.
"Hello," said Grandmother Willow. "And this must be Susie. Tell me, have you found Chief Powhatan headdress yet?
"No," said Susie.
"You are welcome to search my branches," said the wise spirit, "but I doubt Meeko would have left it here. Listen to the wind. It can guide you."
Just then they heard a faint crying sound. "Quick! This way!" shouted Susie.
Pocahontas, John Smith, and Nakoma followed Susie to the cornfield near the Powhaten Village." That crying sounded as if it came from here," said Susie." It might lead us to the headrest."
Meeko scurried through the rows of corn searching for the sound. Flit darted around the whole field. But the sound had stopped, and there was no sign of the headdress. "Oh, no!" said Pocahontas.
"It's almost time for the ceremony!"
"Don't worry, Pocahontas," said Susie.
"Will find the headdress." Then they heard the crying again. "It's coming from your village," said Susie. "Let's go!"
In the village, children were running around, dodging in and out of huts. "Maybe it was just the cries of the young ones that we heard," said Nakoma.
"Look over there!" Cried Susie, pointing to a boy up in a tree. It looks as if the boy wore a softly colored headdress! But then he moved and the headrest flew away, squawking. It was just a bird!
"Grandmother Willow said to listen," said Susie "I think we should follow that squawking bird."
The bird led them to some tall trees filled with many softly colored birds. All the beautiful feathers reminded Pocahontas of her father's headdress.
"Maybe you could borrow the birds for the ceremony," said John Smith.
"You don't have to," cried Susie as the birds flew away. "There is the real headrest stuck in the branches!"
Oh, Susie!" cried Pocahontas. "You were right. You listened, and the spirit of the wind guided you to my fathers headdress. Thank you very much!"
John Smith return to Jamestown. Pocahontas and Nakoma took Susie back to the Chiefs longhouse. "You must join us in our special ceremony, Susie," said Chief Powhatan. "You have helped my daughter and you have honored me."
"Thank you, Chief Powhatan," said Susie. "But I need to get back home to Columbus, Ohio, and tell Jenny and Emily about my adventure with Powhatans!"
The End
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