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“A to Z With Me” was created especially for Billy Johnson at the age of 3 With Love From, Mommy and Daddy December 25, 2001 | |
My name is Billy Johnson; I would like you to play with me. I'm going to teach you a fun, new game It's called the ABC's. First we start with the letter A He's always fun to climb. Then we sit down at the very top And slide down the other side. 3 | |
Next in line is the letter B He's big and cuddly to hug. And wrapping his arms around me I feel snug as a bug in a rug. C is a happy, jolly friend Who likes to count her toes. She'll let you count upon her knee If you promise not to tickle her nose! D is my funny, silly friend, He always makes me smile. He looks like a doughnut that's flat on one side. Could we stay and play a while? 5 | |
The letter E is an elephant Eating leaves from a tree. Perhaps she'll use her long, gray trunk And share her lunch with me. F is my friend Tommy He likes to play ball with me. Maybe if I ask him nicely, He'll play the ABC's. Now we come to the letter G. He reminds me of Ms. C. But, instead of counting on his toes He likes to read books to me. 7 | |
The letter H is the little chair That Mommy gave to me. Where I sit with my special book And cuddle with my favorite blankie. The letter I is my swing set With bright red swings on both sides. I also have a slide and a see-saw Where Tommy and I can play outside. 9 | |
J is the tail of an invisible cat Who sits up in a tree. He's a special friend of mine Who plays hide-and-seek with me. 11 | |
K is a hungry, baby bird Waiting for his mother. If I climb up and peep inside Will I see his sister and brother? 33 | |
L is my foot inside my shoe Mommy helps me tie the laces. Someday when I'm bigger They'll take me to the neatest places. M is the back of a camel, All humpy and bumpy to ride. It has a long neck and a fuzzy nose And soft brown fur on its side. 15 | |
The next one we meet is the letter N Who makes a nice trike for me to ride. Mommy watches to keep me safe Whenever Tommy and I ride outside. 17 | |
The letter O is an octopus Who lives deep under the sea. He has eight long, sticky arms, All with hugs for me. P is a puppy with long, soft ears And a great big wriggly nose. It likes to cuddle on my lap And when it's happy it licks my nose. 19 | |
Q is a little tadpole, Or maybe a polliwog. And maybe late this summer I'll find it as a frog. 21 | |
R is my hand covering my mouth Whenever I cough or sneeze. I always remember to use a tissue And say, "Excuse me please!" 23 | |
S is a snake named Sally She lives in our garden out back. She's helpful with the bugs They are her favorite snack. I think T is my favorite of all Because it's the shape of a hug. Whenever I ask Mommy how much Mommy loves me Mommy spreads arms wide and says, "This much!" 25 | |
U is my very favorite cup I like milk or juice to drink. I always remember when I'm done To put it in the sink. V is the giant crayon I can use it to draw anything I want. I close my eyes and imagine Then draw on the paper what I thought. 27 | |
W is a willy worm Who crawls across the grass. One day he'll spin a little cocoon Where he'll wait for the winter to pass. 29 | |
X is the beautiful butterfly Who flies around the flowers. It's wings are white and pretty blue And we play together for hours. 32 | |
There's a beautiful tree, the letter Y, That grows in my favorite park. It has lush green leaves on the very top And rough, dark brown bark. 33 | |
The very last one is the letter Z He reminds me of friends on farms. Because he looks like the funny shapes On the doors of the barn. Ihope you liked playing the ABC's It's my very favorite game. Especially when I play with my favorite friends. Can we play it one more time? 35 | |