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Sports fans will love our personalized sports book. Choices include Baseball, Tee-Ball, Hockey, Soccer, Football, Golf, Camping and Fishing.
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This story teaches valuable lessons in fair play, sportsmanship for any sport you choose. The team learns it is difficult to lose, but as long as they keep trying, they could not be defeated. Winning is not everything. Suitable for any sport.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
On the night of the championship game, Your child gets called in to replace one of the regular players on his favorite hockey team. Choose between Goalie or Forward versions.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child gets picked to represent America in the World Championship Soccer game and scores the winning goal in the last few minutes of the game.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
This book was created by the creator of TEE Ball itself, Dr. Dayton Hobbs. TEE BALL is not just about winning. It is about playing fair and doing what is right. It is about being a good winner and not being sore if you lose. "But the best part of tee ball is "TEE BALL® is FUN!"
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
A day at the baseball park with Homer, a delightful baseball character, helps your child learn about healthy choices in life (eat right, exercise, stay in school) while also giving you baseball tips from professional baseball players. Your child can be a member of the S.T.R.I.K.E. force today by learning all about Homer's messages. "Be a Slugger, Hit a Home Run Against Drugs!"
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Although saving the big game, this book becomes the only “proof” of a true living baseball legend. Your baseball fan is literally pulled from the couch into the world series and wins the game! Suitable for older children and even adults.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child dreams of being in the annual fishing contest with his favorite fishing partner. He catches the biggest fish ever seen and wins the fishing contest.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child dreams of being in the annual fishing contest with his favorite fishing partner. He catches the biggest fish ever seen and wins the fishing contest.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child goes on a camping adventure with their favorite camping partner who retells a story of the legend of the mountain's treasure. In the end, the treasure turns out to be all around in the beauty of nature.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
You are the star athlete who leads the team to victory in football, basketball, and baseball games. © Best
Personalized Book
Your favorite soccer team needs you to make the winning goal in an exciting championship game.© Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
The crowd at the stadium goes wild as you lead your favorite team to a stunning victory. © Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Soccer Game Broadcast
Hockey Game Broadcast
Baseball Game Broadcast
Basketball Game Broadcast
Football Game Broadcast
NASCAR Race Broadcast