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Give your child a sense of moral values with our special line of religious titles. These hard cover Christian books are beautifully illustrated throughout and are personalized to teach and promote strong family ties while fostering your child's sense of self. Spiritual doctrine written in simple text is a superb way to get your child on the "right track." Great gifts for Baptism, Christening, Baby Dedication, First Communion, Christmas, Easter or anytime. A gift of love for all seasons!
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This wonderful Christian book explains God's love to children with easy to understand text. The story covers all five senses as well as wisdom, forgiveness and prayer. Comes in 2 versions.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
When you talk to God, it's called praying...This lovely non-denominational Christian book helps children learn how easy it is to pray. Your child will learn that he or she can pray to God anywhere they go in this whole wide world. The book will help them find the words to say when they want to thank Him for all He does for us throughout the day. It also includes some beautifully written prayer poems.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Let Us Thank God, is a warmly illustrated christian book for early readers who need to give thought to the many reasons we need to be thankful. Even the family pet can be mentioned. Your child will enjoy the words and the pictures, and will learn to take time to reflect on the gifts God has given all of us. The final page is a prayer, Let Us Thank God.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
A wonderful book which tells the popular bible story of Noah's Ark and his animal friends. Trust in God is enforced in this story with scriptures from the Bible.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child learns the true meaning of Easter by starring as Peter in the school's Easter Play. This story tells of the days before the death of Christ as well as the resurrection.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Jesus is the reason for the season in this modern Christmas Pageant.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
'Twas the Night Before Christmas and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. You've heard this before, the story's not new,But I've added a twist, your Child's name's in here, too! This familiar classic is not only personalized with the child's name, but the story also teaches them about the birth of baby Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Whether frightened or sad, thankful or glad, you can talk to God about it through prayer. And God always listens, because God loves you no matter what.
© Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Learn the meaning of faith through the famous Bible story of how Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish.
© Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Join the Wise Men in their journey to Bethlehem to visit Baby Jesus in this heartwarming Christmas story.
© Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Jesus Loves You Music CD
Fun Time Bible Stories CD
Christian Music For Me
Sing Along with VeggieTales
My Guardian Angel Print
Jesus Loves You DVD