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Children find reading personalized books exciting and fun because the story is about them. Enjoy these completely personalized, full color, hardcovered adventure books that include your child's name, friends' names, hometown, child's age, a dedication page, and much, much more. Truly a gift that will last forever!
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Join a teddy bear on a magical journey through Teddy Bear Land. Play games and meet pink marshmallow bunnies. © Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
It's a thrilling trip to the circus as you rescue a baby chimpanzee and become the star of the show. © Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Spend an exciting day on the farm. Meet all the barnyard animals and help save them from a dangerous storm.
© Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Magically travel back to the time of the dinosaurs and save the giant creatures from an erupting volcano. © Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
The Wolf is after the Three Little Pigs. Your child is the hero in this classic, well-loved fairy tale.
© Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Aliens have invaded earth! It's up to you to join forces with the Ninja to save our planet from destruction.
© Best
Deluxe Size 6" x 9"
Personalized Book
Your child visits a teddy bear fair with two of his/her adult friends or relatives. This is an honor given to only one child each year. The fair has rides, games and food just for teddy bears. It's a wonderful day your child will never forget.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
CBSI Books
Personalized Book
Your child gets to experience this Jurassic tale about meeting a huge Stegosaurus, an Apatosaurus and even a family of Pterodactyls. It's a delightful book for young paleontologists everywhere!
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
A fun day at the circus becomes much more. The
child holds a clown's balloons, and then suddenly takes off! The
child soars high above the circus, to finally land on a camel. The
child then hears the ringmaster announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen,
I present the star of our show today--[THE CHILD'S NAME] and his
or her wonderful balloon ride!
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
CBSI Books
Personalized Book
Learning the alphabet has never been so much fun! A to Z is taught by presenting the alphabet by the shapes of the letters rather than the sound they make. No more A is for Apple with this title to truly help the youngster learn his/her ABC's.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
CBSI Books
Personalized Book
Self-esteem, confidence and the importance of learning to like themselves are the lessons children discover while learning about the outdoors, spelling, numbers, school friends and more.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
CBSI books
Personalized Book
Award-winning tale about shadows in the dark and things that go bump in the night. That's Flooty Hobbs and his pals. A delightful story that tells us what we have to fear when we go to bed at night... absolutely nothing.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Presto Print®
Personalized Sticker Book
An imaginary friend, Burnie the Dragon, and your child enjoy adventures together. Burnie, however, gets them both into a mess of trouble! The fun loving dragon finally has to leave, but not before your child learns the real value of responsibility. Personalized with stickers that you apply.
Size: 6 " x 9"
Presto Print
Personalized Sticker Book
The Mayor asks your child to ride in the fire truck and lead the big parade as it passes through your hometown. After being flown by helicopter over the parade route, your child leads marching bands, prancing horses, dancing bears, jugglers, and all kinds of other attractions right down Main Street in your town. At the end of the book there is a little game to unscramble letters and reveal the names of some of the characters your child read about.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
The little track tester wasn't important enough to have either a name or an engineer. That is, until your child steps in and helps the little track tester to save the circus train. This colorful book helps teach about compassion, helping others and most of all, they'll learn that you don't have to be big to be important!
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
When one of the clowns gets sick, your child is asked to take his place and lead the circus through the Big-Top on the back of Big Ben the elephant. Lion Tamers, Trapeze Artists, Stunt-Clowns, and trained seals can't steal the show from your little boy or girl. This is their moment to be a part of the Greatest Show On Earth!
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child goes on a field trip with their class at school to the neighborhood fire station. They learn all about the Fire Station and many important fire safety rules. Valuable lessons that could save your child's life in a fire.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
"Camping in the back yard isn't a pretend camp-out when you have a tent and you sleep overnight." As your child slips into dreamland with his or her camping partner, they become bears. During their adventures, they see first hand the damage that careless humans can do to animals' homes.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child goes on a camping adventure with their favorite camping partner who retells a story of the legend of the mountain's treasure. In the end, the treasure turns out to be all around in the beauty of nature.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child dreams of being in the annual fishing contest with his favorite fishing partner. He catches the biggest fish ever seen and wins the fishing contest.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child is invited aboard a real navy ship where they are given a tour and they lend a helping hand to the Commanding officer as they safely return the ship to it's home port. Child will learn the meaning of several Navy terms.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child spends a fun day on the farm as a world famous detective. Child helps the farm animals discover the silly old Rooster's secret way of hiding.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
This delightful story turns the child into a
detective who solves a puzzling mystery. The child gains confidence
and a sense of importance through the search for Farmer Dooley's
straw hat, uncovering clues with the help of friendly barnyard animals.
Two favorite friends or relatives are there to offer congratulations
on the child's amazing detective skills.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Your child flies off on a magical adventure with an enchanted swan and a beautiful princess to help them find their friend "Twinkle" a magical elf.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
Mother Goose rhymes are even better when they include your name! This book has your child's name right in the classic nursery rhymes that we all know and love. It has full page illustrations that are sure to create and bring back memories.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
This whimsical story is perfect for any child who enjoys rhyming and counting. The story uses a fun combination of animals and numbers to help your little one learn how to count. It ends with a special reminder that someone will always love them. This is a very popular book with parents and grandparents.
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book
"Be Smart, Be Safe" with this ingenious safety book. McGruff spends the day with your child at school teaching crime prevention. Free McGruff Safe Kids Identification Kit with order!!!
Size: 7" x 8 1/2"
Personalized Book